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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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(14) "Regierungs%" zeigt alle Wörter, die mit "Regierungs" beginnen

longae: ā ē ī ō ū ӯ Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū - breves: ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ Ă Ĕ Ĭ Ŏ Ŭ - ancipitia: ā̆ ē̆ ī̆ ō̆ ū̆ ȳ̆

Suchergebnis zu
"vitio do":

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Lat. Fund; Deut. Fund; Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferL (max. 100): 6 Ergebnis(se)
  vitio dovitiō dōkreide an
(alicui aliquid - jdm. etw.)
    nehme übel
to hold something against someone, resent someone
(alicui aliquid - jdm. etw.)
    trage nach
(alicui aliquid - jdm. etw.)
(alicui aliquid - jdm. etw.)
(alicui aliquid - jdm. etw.)
(alicui aliquid - jdm. etw.)

query 2/2L (max. 100): 6 Ergebnis(se)

query 1/2L (max. 100): 46 Ergebnis(se)
  aemulatio dupliciter dicitur, ut et in laude et in vitio hoc nomen sitaemulātiō dupliciter dīcitur, ut et in laude et in vitiō hoc nōmen sitdas Wort aemulatio wird in doppeltem Sinn gebraucht, in gutem und in schlimmem
the word aemulatio is used in a double sense, in a good and in a bad sense
  hoc in vitio ponendum esthoc in vitiō pōnendum estdies ist ein Mangel
  hoc in vitio poniturhoc in vitiō pōniturdies ist ein Mangel
  homo narcissiano vitio affectushomō narcissiānō vitiō affectusNarziss
  in vitio sumin vitiō sumbin fehlerhaft
be guilty, be faulty, deserve blame
    bin in Schuld
    verdiene Tadel
  iudici vitio tribuereiūdicī vitiō tribueredem Richter als Fehler ankreiden
(im lat. Sprachkurs)
  magistratus vitio creatimagistrātūs vitiō creātīfehlerhaft gewählte Beamten (infolge Formfehler od. negativer Auspizien
  omni vitio careoomnī vitiō careōbin fehlerfrei
  tabulas vitiotabulās vitiōverfälsche Urkunden
Wortsuche bei PerseusWortsuche im lateinisch - deutschen Georges bei Zeno.orgvitio 1vitiāre, vitiō, vitiāvī, vitiātumentehre
Wortsuche in Lewis and ShortWort- und Formsuche bei Van der GuchtWortsuche bei
Wortsuche bei PerseusWortsuche im lateinisch - deutschen Georges bei  fälsche
[senatus consulta]
Wortsuche in Lewis and ShortWort- und Formsuche bei Van der GuchtWortsuche bei
Wortsuche bei PerseusWortsuche im lateinisch - deutschen Georges bei  infiziere
[auras (v. einer Seuche)]
Wortsuche in Lewis and ShortWort- und Formsuche bei Van der GuchtWortsuche bei
Wortsuche bei PerseusWortsuche im lateinisch - deutschen Georges bei  mache nichtig
Wortsuche in Lewis and ShortWort- und Formsuche bei Van der GuchtWortsuche bei
Wortsuche bei PerseusWortsuche im lateinisch - deutschen Georges bei  manipuliere
Wortsuche in Lewis and ShortWort- und Formsuche bei Van der GuchtWortsuche bei
Wortsuche bei PerseusWortsuche im lateinisch - deutschen Georges bei  schände
make faulty, injure, spoil, mar, taint, corrupt, infect, vitiate, violate, falsify, make void
Wortsuche in Lewis and ShortWort- und Formsuche bei Van der GuchtWortsuche bei
Wortsuche bei PerseusWortsuche im lateinisch - deutschen Georges bei  verderbe
Wortsuche in Lewis and ShortWort- und Formsuche bei Van der GuchtWortsuche bei
Wortsuche bei PerseusWortsuche im lateinisch - deutschen Georges bei  verfälsche
[senatus consulta]
Wortsuche in Lewis and ShortWort- und Formsuche bei Van der GuchtWortsuche bei
Wortsuche bei PerseusWortsuche im lateinisch - deutschen Georges bei  verletze
Wortsuche in Lewis and ShortWort- und Formsuche bei Van der GuchtWortsuche bei
  vitio ducovitiō dūcōkreide an
(alicui aliquid - jdm. etw.)
    nehme übel
to hold something against someone, resent someone
(alicui aliquid - jdm. etw.)
    trage nach
(alicui aliquid - jdm. etw.)
(alicui aliquid - jdm. etw.)
(alicui aliquid - jdm. etw.)
(alicui aliquid - jdm. etw.)
Wortsuche bei PerseusWortsuche im lateinisch - deutschen Georges bei Zeno.orgvitio laborovitiō labōrōhabe einen Mangel
Wortsuche in Lewis and ShortWort- und Formsuche bei Van der GuchtWortsuche bei
Wortsuche bei PerseusWortsuche im lateinisch - deutschen Georges bei  werde durch einen Mangel beeinträchtigt
Wortsuche in Lewis and ShortWort- und Formsuche bei Van der GuchtWortsuche bei
  vitio tribuovitiō tribuōkreide an
(alicui aliquid - jdm. etw.)
    nehme übel
to hold something against someone, resent someone
(alicui aliquid - jdm. etw.)
    trage nach
(alicui aliquid - jdm. etw.)
(alicui aliquid - jdm. etw.)
(alicui aliquid - jdm. etw.)
(alicui aliquid - jdm. etw.)
  vitio vertovitiō vertōkreide an
(alicui aliquid - jdm. etw.)
    nehme übel
to hold something against someone, resent someone
(alicui aliquid - jdm. etw.)
    trage nach
(alicui aliquid - jdm. etw.)
(alicui aliquid - jdm. etw.)
(alicui aliquid - jdm. etw.)
(alicui aliquid - jdm. etw.)
query 1/2L (max. 100): 100 Ergebnis(se)
  abortioni do operamabortiōnī dō operambemühe mich um einen Abort
seek an abortion, seek to have an abortion, have an abortion, want to have an abortion
  ad bestias do aliquemad bestiās dō aliquembestimme jdn. zum Kampf mit den wilden Tieren
  ad casum doad cāsum dōbringe zu Fall
    werfe um
  ad inertiam pessum datus sumad inertiam pessum datus sumbin zur Trägheit herabgesunken
  ad praeceps aliquem doad praeceps aliquem dōstürze jdn. in den Abgrund
  ad praecipitem casum aliquem doad praecipitem cāsum aliquem dōstürze jdn. in den Abgrund
  ad supplicium aliquem doad supplicium aliquem dōlasse jdn. hinrichten
  ad voluptatem corporis pessum datusad voluptātem corporis pessum datuszur körperlichen Lust herabgesunken
  aditum alicui doaditum alicuī dōerteile jdm. Audienz
    gebe jdm. Audienz
  aditum conveniendī alicui doaditum conveniendī alicuī dōerteile jdm. Audienz
  aditum conveniendi alicui doaditum conveniendī alicuī dōgebe jdm. Audienz
  admissionem alicui doadmissiōnem alicuī dōerteile jdm. Audienz
    gebe jdm. Audienz
  advocationem doadvocātiōnem dōgewähre Rechtsbeistand
provide legal assistance
  Africano consulatus citerior legitimo tempore datus estĀfricānō cōnsulātus citerior lēgitimō tempore datus estdas Konsulat wurde Africanus vor der gesetzlichen Zeit übertragen
the consulate was conferred on Africanus before the legal time
  alapam alicui doalapam alicuī dōgebe jdm. eine Backpfeife
give someone a slap
  alicui aliquem locum ad habitandum doalicuī aliquem locum ad habitandum dōweise jdm. einen Ort zum Wohnen an
assign somebody a place to live
  alicui aliquid dono doalicuī aliquid dōnō dōverehre jdm. etw.
adore somebody something as a gift
  alicuī aliquod opprobriō dōalicuī aliquod opprobriō dōwerfe jdm. etw. vor
accuse someone of something
  alicui bibere doalicuī bibere dōgebe jdm. zu trinken
give someone to drink
  alicui do operamalicuī dō operamerweise jdm. einen Dienst
do someone a service, render a service for someone
  alicui do vacationem alicuius reialicuī dō vacātiōnem alicuius reīgewähre jdm. Befreiung von etw.
grant someone relief from something
  alicui ius admissionis liberae doalicuī iūs admissiōnis līberae dōgewähre jdm. freien Zutritt
allow someone free entry, give someone free entry
  alicui me obvium doalicuī mē obvium dōbegegne jdm.
run into someone, run across someone,
  alicui rei materiam doalicuī reī māteriam dōgebe einer Sache Nahrung
give sustenance to a cause, abet a cause, further a cause
    leiste einer Sache Vorschub
  alicui veniam alicuius rei doalicuī veniam alicuius reī dōverzeihe jdm. etw.
forgive someone for something
  alicuius operaalicuius operāunter jds. Mitwirkung
with somebody's help, with somebody's assistance, with somebody's support
  alicuius opera utoralicuius operā utornehme jds. Mitwirkung in Anspruch
take someone's help, take someone's assistance, take someone's support
  alicuius rei materiam doalicuius reī māteriam dōveranlasse etwas
cause something to happen, give cause for something to happen
  aliquem ad terram doaliquem ad terram dōwerfe jdn. zu Boden
throwing someone to the ground
  aliquem testem doaliquem testem dōbringe jdn. als Zeugen bei
bring in someone as a witness
  aliquid alicui crimini doaliquid alicuī crīminī dōbeschuldig jdn. in etw.
accuse someone of something, blame someone for something
    laste jdm. etwas an
  aliquid laudi alicui doaliquid laudī alicuī dōrechne jdm. etw. zum Lob an
give someone credit for something
  aliquid oblivioni doaliquid oblīviōnī dōgebe etw. dem Vergessen anheim
    gebe etw. dem Vergessen preis
consign something to oblivion, let something fall into oblivion
    lasse etw. in Vergessenheit geraten
  aliquid populi ad partes doaliquid populī ad partēs dōlasse das Volk an etw. teilnehmen
let the people participate in something, leave something to the people's committees
    überlasse etw. den Komitien des Volkes
  ambiguum responsum doambiguum respōnsum dōantworte zweideutig
answer ambiguously, give an ambiguous answer
    gebe eine zweideutige Antwort
  amplexus peto et doamplexūs petō et dōlasse mich gern umarmen und umarme gren
like to be hugged and like to embrace
  amplius doamplius dōgebe mehr
(nicht nur einmal)
  amplius obsidum doamplius obsidum dōstelle mehr Geiseln
put more hostages
  animam doanimam dōsterbe
die, give one's life
  ansas do ad reprehendumānsās dō ad reprehendumgebe Anlass zum Tadel
give cause for rebuke
  ansas do reprehensionisānsās dō reprehēnsiōnisgebe Anlass zum Tadel
give cause for rebuke
  Apollo augurium citharamque datApollō augurium citharamque datApollon verleiht die Kunst der Weissagung und des Zitherspiels
, Apollo bestows the art of divination and playing the zither,
  aquam doaquam dōgestatte Redezeit (Wasseruhr)
give speaking time
  arrogantiam tibi opprobriō dōarrogantiam tibi opprobriō dōmache dir deinen Dünkel zum Vorwurf
reproach you for your arrogance, accuse you of vanity
    werfe dir Eitelkeit vor
  ascensum alicui doascēnsum alicuī dōgebe jdm. die Möglichkeit hinaufzusteigen
give someone the opportunity to climb up
  aurem alicui doaurem alicuī dōleihe jdm. das Ohr
    schenke jdm. Gehör
lend someone one's ear, , give someone one's ear
  basium alicui dobāsium alicuī dōgebe jdm. einen Kuss
give someone a kiss
  bello finem dobellō fīnem dōbeende den Krieg
    mache dem Krieg ein Ende
end the war, put an end to the war
  beneficia ultro et citro data et acceptabeneficia ultrō et citrō data et acceptawechselseitig erwiesene Wohltaten
mutual benefactions, mutual benefits
  beneficium alicui dobeneficium alicuī dōerweise jdm. eine Wohltat
do someone a favour
  biforem dat tibia cantumbiforem dat tībia cantumdie Doppelflöte ertönt
the double flute sounds
  binas clepsydras dobīnās clepsydrās dōbewillige zwei Klepsydren Redezeit
grant speaking time to two water-clocks
  blandimenta alicui doblandīmenta alicuī dōschmeichele jdm.
flatter someone
  bracchia collo dobracchia collō implicōfalle um den Hals
  bracchia collo dobracchia collō dōumarme
    umschlinge den Hals
embrace, fall around the neck, wrap the neck around
  caecum do vulnuscaecum dō vulnusverwunde unbemerkt
wound unnoticed, wound from behind
    verwunde von hinten
  candidatus electus iusiurandum praesidentiale datcandidātus ēlēctus iūsiūrandum praesidentiāle datder gewählte Kandidat leistet den Amtseid des Präsidenten
the elected candidate takes the Presidential Oath of Office
  casus dativus (dandi)cāsus datīvus (dandī)Dativ
dative case
  causam alicuius rei docausam alicuius reī dōgebe Veranlassung zu etw.
give cause for something
  causas do alicui reicausās dō alicuī reīverursache etwas
  cenam viaticam docēnam viāticam dōgebe einen Abschiedsschmaus
give a farewell feast, give a farewell party
  cervices alicui docervīcēs alicuī dōbiete jdm. den Nacken
let someone kill you, offer someone the neck
    lasse mich töten von jdm.
  cervices crudelitati docervīcēs crūdelitātī dōfüge mich in das Joch der Grausamkeit
submit to the yoke of cruelty, put up with cruelty patiently
    lasse mir die Grausamkeit geduldig gefallen
  civitatem alicui docīvitātem alicuī dōverleihe jdm. das Bürgerrecht
grant someone citizenship
  cognitorem docōgnitōrem dōstelle einen Identitätszeugen
provide an identity witness
  collum docollum dōunterwerfe mich
  collum triumpho docollum triumphō dōunterwerfe mich
  commeatum militibus docommeātum mīlitibus dōgebe den Soldaten Urlaub
give the soldiers leave
  comoediam docōmoediam dōbringe eine Komödie zur Aufführung
perform a comedy
  complexus alicui docomplexūs alicuī dōumarme jdn.
hug someone, give someone a hug
  consilium catum alicui docōnsilium catum alicuī dōgebe jdm. einen schlauen Rat
give someone smart advice
  consilium do alicuicōnsilium dō alicuīgebe jdm. einen Rat
give someone advice
  conveniendi aditum alicui doconveniendī aditum alicuī dōgebe jdm. Gelegenheit, mich zu treffen
give someone the opportunity to meet me
  copiam facio (do) alicui pugnandi (pugnae)cōpiam faciō (dō) alicuī pūgnandī (pūgnae)gebe jdm. die Gelegenheit zu kämpfen (zum Kampf)
give someone the opportunity to fight
  coronam honoris alicui docorōnam honōris alicuī dōverleihe jdm. den Siegeskranz
give someone the victory wreath, award someone with the victory wreath
  crimini docrīminī dōmache zum Vorwurf
reproach, blame,
  cura digerendae bibliothecae datur alicui cūra dīgerendae bibliothēcae datur alicuī jdm. wird die Ordnung der Bibliothek übertragen
someone is assigned the order of the library
  da mi bracas et calceamentadā mī brācās et calceāmentagib mir Hosen und Schuhe
give me pants and shoes
  da quaeso cofeamdā quaesō cofēamgib mir bitte (eine Tasse) Kaffee
please give me (a cup of) coffee
  da semiplenum quaeso potoriumdā sēmiplēnum quaesō pōtōriumgib bitte eine nur halbvolle Tasse
please give a cup only half full
  dasne ...?dāsne ...?gibst du zu?
(+ AcI - dass ...)
  data operadatā operāabsichtlich
intentionally, willfully, with intent, with premeditation
    mit Vorsatz

query 1/2D (max. 100): 1 Ergebnis(se)
 Wortsuche im lateinisch - deutschen Georges bei Zeno.orgDonnerwetter!
bombaxbombaxWort- und Formsuche bei Van der GuchtWortsuche bei
query 1/E (max. 1000): 167 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
ā bove māiōre discit arāre minoras the old sang, so do the young chirp, from the older ox the younger one learns to plow

accūrāre, accūro (adcūro), accūrāvi, accūrātumtake care of, to do a thing with care, treat one carefully, regale a guest

Acephalī, Acephalōrum msect of heretics who do not recognize the head of the church

acetāre, acetō, acetāvī, acetātumdo, act

adcūrāre, adcūro, adcūrāvi, adcūrātumtake care of, do a thing with care, treat one carefully, regale a guest

administrāre, administrō, administrāvī, administrātumbe near as an aid, attend upon, assist, serve, take charge of, manage, guide, administer, execute, accomplish, do, perform, govern, guide, steer, put the hand to, render service, do one’s duty, employ

admissīvus, admissīva, admissīvumwho permit to do something

admissor, admissōris mone that allows himself to do a thing, perpetrator

adnuere, adnuō, adnuīnod to, nod, ask by a wink, ask by a nod, give assent by nodding, give approval by nodding, nod assent to, approve, favor, allow, grant, promise to do, be favorable to, promise something to one, grant something to one, designate something by a nod

adsevērāre, adsevērō, adsevērāvī, adsevērātumdo any thing with earnestness, do earnestly, pursue earnestly, assert strongly, assert firmly, declare positively, affirm, make known, show, prove, demonstrate

affectāre, affectō (adfectō), affectāvi, affectātumstrive after a thing, exert one’s self to obtain, pursue, aim to do, enter on a way in order to arrive at a destined point, endeavor to make one’s own, strive after, aspire to, aim at, esire, aim at, aspire to

affectārī, affector, affectātus sumstrive after a thing, exert one’s self to obtain, pursue, aim to do, enter on a way in order to arrive at a destined point, endeavor to make one’s own, strive after, aspire to, aim at, esire, aim at, aspire to

affēstīnāre, affēstīnōmake haste with a thing, hasten, hurry, accelerate, do speedily

afficere, afficiō, affēcī, affectumdo something to one, exert an influence on body or mind, affect a person or thing with something, bestow upon, grace with, to visit with, inflict upon

agere, agō, ēgī, āctumact, perform, deliver, pronounce, do, labor, transact, be occupied with, think upon, have in view, aim at, pass (time), spend (time), conduct, manage, carry on, administer, represent by external action, play

agricultūram dēserōdo not practice agriculture

āin tū ?do you really mean so?, indeed?, really?, is it possible?, what?

āin ? (= āisne?)do you really mean so?, indeed?, really?, is it possible?, what?

alicuius mandāta dīgerōdo someone's job, do someone's bidding

alicuius mandāta dīligenter cōnficiōdo someone's job on time, do someone's job conscientiously,

alicuius mandāta persequordo someone's job, do someone's bidding

alicuius operā in multīs rēbus ūtoruse someone for many services, use someone to do many things

alicuius reī facultātem habeōhave the opportunity to do something

alicuius voluntātī obtemperōdo someone's will, comply with someone's will

aliquem artem factitāre vetōput a stop to someone, prevent someone from continuing to do the job,

aliquem colō et observōdo honour to someone, pay homage to someone

aliquem in aliquid īnstīgōinstigate someone to do something, tempt someone to do something

aliquem socium habeō alicuius reīhave someone as a partner in something, do something together with someone

aliquem vī cōgōforce someone, do coercion to someone

aliquid facere volōintend to do something

aliquid nefāriē committōdo something nefarious

aliquō imperante mereōtake part in a campaign under someone as a commander, do military service under someone as a commander

aliquō imperātōre mereōtake part in a campaign under someone as a commander, do military service under someone as a commander

aliquō imperātōre mīlitōtake part in a campaign under someone as a commander, do military service under someone as a commander

aliud agōbe inattentive, be distracted, do allotry

allūdere, allūdō (adlūdō), allūsī, allūsumplay with any thing, sport with any thing, joke, jest, do a thing sportively, play against, dash upon

alternāre, alternō, alternāvi, alternātumdo one thing and then another, do a thing by turns, interchange with something, alternate, hesitate

amāre, amō, amāvī, amātumlike, love, be in love with, be fond of, find pleasure in, delight in, do a thing willingly, be wont to, be accustomed to

ānserēs tantummodo clāmant; nocēre nōn possuntGeese only cackle loudly; they can't do any harm

appōnere, appōnō (adpōnō), apposuī, appositumput to something by way of increase, add to, superadd, do further, do something, set down for something, count as, reckon as, consider as, hold as

aquam a pūmice pōstulōask someone to do something impossible, demand something impossible from someone

artēs magicās tractōpractise witchcraft, do witchcraft

assevērāre, assevērō (adsevērō), assevērāvī, assevērātumdo any thing with earnestness, do earnestly, pursue earnestly, assert strongly, assert firmly, declare positively, affirm, make known, show, prove, demonstrate

auctōritātem alicuius persequordo someone's bidding

audēre, audeō, ausī (altes Pf.)venture, venture to do, dare, be bold, be courageous

audēre, audeō, ausus sumventure, venture to do, dare, be bold, be courageous

audī, quō rem dēdūcamhear, what I aim at, hear, what I have in view, hear, to what conclusion I will bring the matter, hear what I intend to do

avēs abdīcunt aliquidthe birds do not approve something, the birds advise against something

bene faciō (benefaciō) alicuīdo someone a favour, show favour to someone

bene faciō mihido oneself good

beneficiō aliquem afficiōdo someone a favour

beneficiō aliquem ōrnōdo someone a favour

beneficium alicuī tribuōdo someone a favour

beneficium in aliquem cōnferōdo someone a favour

benevolentiam in aliquem cōnferōdo someone good

caelum findō arātrōdo the impossible

caleō in agendōbe all fire to do, be full of zeal to do, being on fire to do

canēs et lātrāre et mordēre possuntbiting accusers can do both: bark and bite

capillōs ōrnōdo the hair

careō nōminedo not have the title

cāsus praeclārī facinorisopportunity to do a brilliant deed

cavē sīs, nē mentiārisplease do not lie!

cedo igitur, quid faciamout with it, what do you want me to do!

celebrāre, celebrō, celebrāvī, celebrātumto do something frequently, to do something in multitudes, practise, engage in, frequently say, use, often employ, repeat

certāre, certō, certāvī, certātumdecide something by a contest, fight, struggle, contend, combat, strive, emulate, vie with, contend at law, strive to do something, labor, endeavor, struggle earnestly, exert one’s self

cessāre, cessō, cessāvī, cessātumstand back very much, be remiss in any thing, delay, loiter, cease from, stop, give over, be inactive, be idle, be at leisure, do nothing, be at rest, rest, be still, be inactive, be unemployed, be unused, lie uncultivated, fallow

circumagī, circumagor, circumāctusturn around in a circle, rotate, go around in a circle, be tempted to do this soon, that soon, to make a circuit, drift around, turn around

cohonestāre, cohonestō, cohonestāvī, cohonestātumhonor in common, honor in abundantly, do honor to, honor, grace, palliate

cohonestāre, cohonestō, cohonestāvī, cohonestātumhonor in common, honor in abundantly, do honor to, honor, grace, palliate

commentor, quid sit faciendumdiscuss what needs to be done, discuss what to do

commercium istārum rērum nōn habeōdo not have the right to buy these things

committere, committō, commīsī, commissumpractise wrong, perpetrate wrong, do injustice, commit a crime, offend, sin, commit an offence, be guilty, be in fault

compendiī meī causā faciō, quae nōn liceatI do unlawful things for my own benefit, I do illicit things for my own benefit,

cōnātum capiō ad aliquid faciendummake an attempt to do something

cōnātum habeō ad aliquidfeel urge to do something

cōnsequī, cōnsequor, cōnsecūtus sumobtain, acquire, get, attain, reach, become like, equal to a person or thing in any property or quality, attain, come up to, equal, attain to something intellectually or by speech, understand, perceive, learn, know, be equal to, impress fully, do justice to

cōnsilium mihi nōn suppetitdo not know how to guess

cōnstituere, cōnstituō, cōnstituī, cōnstitūtumdetermine to do something, take a resolution, resolve, decide, determine

contemplātiōne meīdo some introspection, do a self-reflection

contendere, contendō, contendī, contentumexert one’s self vigorously to do something, apply one’s self with zeal to, go to, direct one’s course eagerly somewhere, bend one’s course eagerly somewhere, strive to get to a place, to seek to arrive at, go hastily to, march hastily to, journey hastily to

continuāre, continuō, continuāvī, continuātumjoin together in uninterrupted succession, make continuous, join one with another, connect, unite, erect in rows, connect together in a period, join, connect together, continue uninterruptedly, do successively one thing after another, continue, last

cōpia mihi est alicuius reī faciendaehave the opportunity to do something, have the chance to do something, be able to do something

corpus moveōdo evil to the body, hurt the body badly

corpus rotōdo a somersault

culpam committōdo something wrong, be guilty of something

culpam contrahōdo something wrong, be guilty of something

culpam in mē admittōdo something wrong, be guilty of something

cum inciderit, ut id aptē fierī possitas soon as a suitable opportunity arises to do so, if it arises, at a suitable opportunity

cūnctā simul agōdo everything at once

cūr tam māne ēgrederis?why do you go out so early in the morning?

cūrae dormīre mē nōn sinuntworries do not let me sleep, worries rob me of sleep

cūrāre, cūrō, cūrāvī, cūrātumcare for, take care of, have care of, be solicitous for, look to, attend to, trouble one’s self about, take the charge of, manage the business of, do a thing in behalf of the state, administer, govern, preside over, command, heal, cure

damnāsbound to make a gift or contribution, condemned to do any thing, sentenced to do any thing

dē hōc crīmine tē nōn arguōI do not make this accusation against you, I do not accuse you of this, I do not reproach you with this

dēbēre, dēbeō, dēbuī, dēbitumhave (money) from someone, keep (money) from someone, owe something, be under obligation to something, be under obligation for something, be bound to render, be under obligation to pay, be in duty to do something, be bound to do something, I ought, I must

dēfendere dēsinōdo not defend further, stop defending

dēlectantne tē ānserīnae carnēs?do you like to eat roast goose?

dēlinquere, dēlinquō, dēlīquī, dēlictumfail, be wanting, be lacking, commit a fault, do wrong, transgress, offend

dentēs suspendōbite gently, do not bite hard

dēsīgnāre, dēsīgnō, dēsīgnāvī, dēsīgnātumeffect, do, accomplish

dētractāre, dētractō, dētractāvī, dētractātumdecline, refuse, reject, decline to do any thing, refuse to do any thing, lower in estimation, depreciate, detract from

dētrectāre, dētrectō, dētrectāvī, dētrectātumdecline, refuse, reject, decline to do any thing, refuse to do any thing, lower in estimation, depreciate, detract from

dēvōtus in aliquan remwilling to do something, ready for

diem exerceōdo one's daily work

dīligere, dīligō, dīlēxī, dīlēctumvalue highly, esteem highly, love, choose, affect, do willingly, do habitually, be fond of doing

dīluere, dīluō, dīluī, dīlūtumwash to pieces, wash away, dissolve, dilute, cause to melt away, wash, drench, wash out, weaken, dissolve in a liquid, temper, mix, lessen, impair, do away with water, remove with water, atone for, solve a difficulty

in id dēvocor, utbe prevailed to do so

lūmina suprēma versōdo his last look, open his eyes for the last time

nihil impediō, quōminus faciathe may do it for my sake, he may do it for me, he may do it anyway

nōn est assiliendum statim ad aliquidyou can't just jump right in with something, you shouldn't fall into the house with the door straight away when you do something

ōtium temporis oblectō aliquā rēdo something to pass the time

per mē faciathe may do it for my sake, he may do it for me, he may do it anyway

Phormiō, Phormiōnis m silly persons, who talk about things which they do not understand

sīcas follows, in the following manner, as I do it, as you see, in the manner mentioned, under these circumstances, accordingly, hence

sociāre, sociō, sociāvī, sociātumjoin together, unite together, associate, to do in common, hold in common, to share a thing with another

spīritum ultimum trahōdo the last breath

subaurāre, subaurōweakly gold-plating, do a little gold plating

summānāre, summānōglide under, trickle under, wet somewhat, do something wet

tempus mihi dēest ad rem faciendamI don't have the time to do the thing

tenēsne?do you get it?

tertiāre, tertiō, tertiāvī, tertiātumdo for the third time, plough for the third time

tollere, tollō, sustulī, sublātumcarry, assume, bear, endure, take away, remove, bear away, carry away, make way with, take away with one, kill, destroy, ruin, do away with, remove, abolish, annul, abrogate, cancel

tōtum animum atque dīligentiam in aliquā rē pōnōoperate with all seriousness, do it with all seriousness

tōtum tē amplexordo quite tenderly against somebody

trānsversum digitum nōn discēdōdo not deviate a finger width

trānsversum unguem nōn discēdōdo not deviate a finger width

tū ne cēde malīsdo not give way to misfortune, don't give in to bad luck

tuī carendum estone must do without you, you must be renounced, one has to do without you

tundō eandem incūdemstrike the same anvil, always do the same thing

ūnilaterālem dēclārātiōnem indēpendentiae agnōscere nōn valēmuswe do not see ourselves in a position to recognize the unilateral declaration of independence

ūnō opere eandem incūdem diem noctemque tundōdo one and the same thing all the time

ūnum illud extimēscēbam, nē quid turpiter facerembut I was afraid that I would do something shameful, only that I was afraid to do something shameful

utrum albus an āter sit nesciō (īgnōrō)know nothing more about him, do not know him personally closer

utrum de vitulīnīs an de ovīllīs carnibus māvīs?do you prefer veal or lamb?

utrum māvīs dē ālā an dē poplitibus cāpī?do you prefer the wing or the club of the cock?

utrum māvīs rubrum an candidum ?do you prefer red or white wine?

utrumvīs facere potesyou can do both (at will)

vadātus, vadāta, vadātumbound over to appear in court, bound, pledged, engaged to do any thing

vadimōnium dēserōdo not meet the deadline, fail to meet the deadline, fail to appear

vās malum nōn frangiturweeds do not spoil

vēlīs rēmīsque cōnorput all levers in motion, make an effort with hands and feet, do everything, exert all your strength, pull out all the stops, lie down in the harness, pull out your arms and legs

venerārī, veneror, venerātus sumreverence with religious awe, to worship, adore, revere, venerate, do homage to, reverence, honor, ask reverently for any thing, beseech, implore, beg, entreat, supplicate

verēcundum est mihito shy away from doing, not to do because of shyness

vestimenta cīvīlia gerōdo not wear uniform, wear civilian clothes

vetāre, vetō, vetuī, vetitumnot suffer a thing to take place, not permit, advise against, oppose, forbid, prohibit a thing, not permit one to do a thing, prevent from doing, hinder from doing, not grant, forbid a thing

vetuāre, vetuōnot suffer a thing to take place, not permit, advise against, oppose, forbid, prohibit a thing, not permit one to do a thing, prevent from doing, hinder from doing, not grant, forbid a thing

vidērī, videor, vīsus sumreceive attention, be visited, be looked upon, be regarded in any manner, seem, appear to be, appear to do

vidēs arcum caelestem?look, there's a rainbow!, do you see the rainbow?

vigilāre, vigilō, vigilāvī, vigilātumwatch through, spend in watching, do while watching, make while watching, pursue by night

vīlis amicōrum annōnafriends are bought cheaply, friends are cheap, friends do not cost much

vim afferō alicuīget physical with someone, do violence to someone, use violence against someone

vim et manūs afferō alicuīkill someone by force, do violence to someone

vim et manūs iniciō alicuīdo violence to someone

vim faciō alicuīdo violence to someone

vim īnferō alicuīdo violence to someone, use violence against someone

vim iniectōdo violence

vim nātūrae iniectōdo violence to the nature

vīn? (vīsne?)do you want?

vīndēmiae sunt in manibusbe busy with the grape harvest, have to do with the grape harvest

vīnum ad sē importārī nōn sinuntthey do not allow wine to be imported to them, ban the import of wine, prohibit the import of wine

vir mihi carendusthe man I have to do without

vīsne concrēta an fluida ōvado you want hard or soft eggs?

volsillīs pūgnō, nōn gladiōso as to do but little damage

vōx tua haec effectūra vidēturyour voice promises to do this

vulnera nōndum coeuntthe wounds do not close yet

2. Formbestimmung:

Wortform von: vitio
[2e] Dat. / Abl. Sgl. von vitium, vitiī n
Fehler; Gebrechen; Fehlgriff; Missgriff; Unvollkommenheit; Schuld; Vergehen; Laster; Sprachfehler; Schaden; Mangel; Formfehler; Leiden; Schändung; Krankheitsursache;
[21] 1. Sgl. Ind. Prs. Akt. von vitiāre, vitiō, vitiāvī, vitiātum
verletze; verderbe; schände; verfälsche; fälsche; mache nichtig; entehre; manipuliere; infiziere;

3. Belegstellen für "vitio do"

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